20th INRGREF International Scientific Days
10-11 Oct 2023 Cité des Sciences de Tunis (Tunisia)



  • Authors should first create an account on the conference website, " Sciencesconf.org " , in order to submit their resumes for consideration as a presentation at "JS INRGREF 2023"
  • The extended resumes (three to four pages long) should  be written in accordance with the provided resume template (which can be downloaded from the website), while also fitting within one of the sessions listed in the call for resume submission.
  • Please take note that each first author is only allowed to submit one summary for each type of presentation (oral presentation or poster).
  • TThe deadline for submissions is 28 february 2023.
  • Note that the email address you used to create your account will get all notifications regarding to the abstract, including confirmation of submission, review, presentation, and so on.
  • The lead author or one of the co-authors may present each accepted resume at the conference after it has been evaluated by the scientific review committee.
  • Only abstracts presented at conference will be considered for publication in the Conference proceeding.
  • The final document uploded should be converted to pdf form.
  • PPT Templates for the oral and Poster presentations will be sent to the authors after notification of acceptance (31 March 2023).
  • Please note that the authors' suggestions for the thematic session and preferred option of presentation (oral or poster) will be taken into consideration. However the final decision will be made by the evaluation committee.
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